Prefatory Note:
The following work is little more than a record of facts seen and learned during an extensive tour in the Southern States in 1852 and 1853, from a journal made at the time. This tour was made, and the notes had been used by the author as the basis of a series of lectures delivered in several of the New England States, before any other "view" of slavery had been published. Neither its origin nor its preparation has been induced, therefore, by any publication that has preceded it.
The manuscript copy, as originally prepared for the press, contained the entire names of individuals and places. At the suggestion of the publisher many of theses names have been suppressed, or the initials only inserted. But as this has been done solely from a regard for the feelings of those referred to, - many of whom are the author's personal friends, - any one desiring the names, with the view of testing the truth of any statements contained in the volume, can do so by applying to him, or the publisher.
Windham, Aug. 1 1855
- Inside View of Slavery: Or a Tour Among the Planters
- C. G. Parsons
- John P. Jewett and Company, 1855
- First Edition